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Smithsonian Lecture Series on Astronomy – 2019

Nov 29, 2018

Join us for the 49th year of this lecture series held on Wednesday mornings at the Green Valley Recreation Center-West at 9:00AM. Each lecture is 45 minutes, followed by a question-and-answer period. All lectures are free and open to …

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Update on Tours

Sep 19, 2018

Due to scheduled road construction leading to the MMTO, tours are not currently scheduled. Tours will resume Spring 2019. Please check back here for updates!

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MMT Observing Schedule – August-December

Sep 17, 2018

The observing schedule for August-December can be found here.

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Successful Summer Shutdown

Sep 15, 2018

On August 15th, the MMT returned to normal operations after a three-week summer shutdown. Some of the scheduled work completed during this period included: wet washing the primary mirror, removing the decommissioned laser guide star system from the telescope, …

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Successful Shutter Seal Replacement

Jul 03, 2018

In preparation for the shutter seal replacement, the Blue Channel instrument and the f/9 secondary mirror were removed on June 18th and the telescope was parked horizon pointing and covered with a tarp. Kappcon, Inc. then began the process …

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Observatory Improvements

May 24, 2018

The observatory will be closed June 18 through July 1 for shutter seal replacement. As part of the new heated roof contract, the p-seal and flapper seal used to seal the gap between the two shutter halves when in …

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MMTO at the SPIE meeting in June

May 10, 2018

Six staff members will be presenting talks or posters in June at the SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation meeting in Austin, TX. Topics include the re-aluminization as well as wet-washing in-situ of the 6.5-m primary mirror, queue scheduling software …

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Tour Information

Apr 10, 2018

We hope you were able to visit our table at the recent Tucson Festival of Books! A virtual tour of our observatory was enjoyed by many! Reserve your spot for a real tour by calling 520-879-4407!

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Sat., April 7 – Kartchner Caverns Star Party

Apr 05, 2018

Dr. Grant Williams, MMTO Director, will give a talk at the Kartchner Star Party on Saturday, April 7. Join him at 5:30pm in the Discovery Center and learn about “The Three Dimensional Nature of Supernovae: Are Exploding Stars Round?” …

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Smithsonian Lecture Series on Astronomy – April 4

Mar 19, 2018

The final lecture for this year will be held on Wednesday, April 4. Dr. Stephanie Juneau, of the National Optical Astronomy Observatory, will speak on “Black Holes, Galaxies, and Cosmic Fireworks.” Join us at 9:00am at the Green Valley …

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