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Countdown continues…

Oct 09, 2009

At 1.31am (MST) NASA will count down to T-3 hours mark for the centaur impact. We are busily working away making sure we have all our cameras aligned (we are using 4 different camera’s for different purposes …

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LCROSS: It all comes down to tonight…

Oct 09, 2009

After being involved in the LCROSS project and preparation for the ground based observations from the MMT over the last 18 months it has all come down to tonight. We have one shot at getting these observations so the nerves …

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Watching LCROSS impact!

Oct 09, 2009

Want to see professional astronomers at work? We are taking the unique time of the LCROSS experiment to give you all a direct view into the world of a professional observatory for one night only!
We will be streaming images …

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Gearing up to LCROSS…

Sep 30, 2009

The LCROSS experiment is now into its last two weeks before the impact happening in the early morning of Oct 9th (MST). We will be posting more specific information about the observing happening at the MMT in the coming days …

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Proposal Deadlines for 2010A

Sep 04, 2009

Applying for Observing Time at the MMTO:

Proposal Deadlines for Trimester 2010A (1st January 2010 – 30th April 2010)

Apply through Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory

Deadline: Tuesday, 20th October, 2009 (Noon EDT)

Apply through University of Arizona …

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MMT Content (story) 1

Sep 03, 2009

this is the body for the filler content

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Around the World in 80 Telescopes!

Apr 03, 2009

As part of the International Year of Astronomy 2009 the MMT Observatory will participate in the 100 Hours of Astronomy 24 hour webcast that will take place April 3rd and 4th UT. We will be broadcasting live from the MMT …

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MMT February Observing Statistics

Mar 10, 2009

Percentage of time scheduled for observing              100.0
Percentage of time scheduled for engineering              0.0
Percentage of time scheduled for sec/instr chan           0.0
Percentage of time lost to weather                           38.8
Percentage of time lost to instrument                         0.2
Percentage of time lost to …

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Preparing for NASA’s LCROSS mission

Mar 06, 2009

During Monday’s (3/2/9) engineering night Shawn Callahan, Morag Hastie, Tim Pickering, Phil Hinz, and Ale Milone tested the f/15 AO system capabilities to develop procedures to image lunar impact craters for the upcoming NASA LCROSS mission. To learn more about …

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MMT Sep – Dec ’08 Trimester Summary Report

Mar 06, 2009

To read the MMT September – December ‘08 Trimester Summary Report,
click here.

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