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MMTO is looking for an Adaptive Optics Scientist/Engineer

Aug 23, 2010

The MMT Observatory (MMTO), a joint venture of the Smithsonian Institution and the University of Arizona, is seeking a Scientist or Engineer with working knowledge of astronomical adaptive optics to join the MMT team. The MMTO operates a 6.5-meter telescope …

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Research Using the MMT in the News

Aug 23, 2010

From observations made using the MMT, Dr. E. Mamajek of the University of Rochester has discovered that the first known binary star is actually a sextuplet system.   To read the article published by Science Daily, press here.

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MMT November Observing Statistics

Aug 23, 2010

Percentage of time scheduled for observing             93.4
Percentage of time scheduled for engineering            6.6
Percentage of time scheduled for sec/instr change    0.0
Percentage of time lost to weather                          22.3
Percentage of time lost to instrument                        0.4
Percentage of time lost …

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MMT October Observing Statistics

Aug 23, 2010

Percentage of time scheduled for observing           100.0
Percentage of time scheduled for engineering           0.0
Percentage of time scheduled for sec/instr change    0.0
Percentage of time lost to weather                         37.5
Percentage of time lost to instrument                       7.3
Percentage of time lost …

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Canoa Road Underpass Closure

Nov 07, 2009

Effective Monday, November 3, 2008.
The underpass at Canoa Road is scheduled to close for approximately 6 -7 weeks (until mid-December). Southbound drivers on I-19 will need to use the Arivaca exit (exit 48) and then double back north on …

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The New Red Channel Detector

Oct 19, 2009

The installation and testing of a new detector for Red Channel has been completed by the UofA’s Imaging Technology Laboratory (ITL). The new device has 15-micron pixels and a format of 520 x 1032 pixels (spatial x dispersion). The read …

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MMT September Observing Statistics

Oct 12, 2009

Percentage of time scheduled for observing             96.7
Percentage of time scheduled for engineering            3.3
Percentage of time scheduled for sec/instr change     0.0
Percentage of time lost to weather                          26.3
Percentage of time lost to instrument                        0.1
Percentage of time lost …

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Bear Sighting

Oct 10, 2009

In recent weeks there has been many sightings of bears around Mt Hopkins and the observatory, including a family of three. They are often seen up in the trees munching on the ripe nuts.
On Monday morning as the …

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All Over!

Oct 09, 2009

LCROSS successfully impacted the moon at 4.31am (MST)!! NASA will be having a news conference at 7.00am (PDT) on NASA TV.
We collected data with multiple instruments throughout the impact and for an hour after it. We now have a multitude …

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T-30 mins!

Oct 09, 2009

The last blog before impact (and probably for a while after the impact as I’ll be busy reducing the data we observe!)
Everything here is good – sky is clear with 0.5″ seeing! Could not have asked for a better …

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