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MMT Primary Mirror Coating Removed for Re-aluminization

Nov 02, 2010

The 6.5-meter MMT primary mirror was stripped of its aluminum coating on July 23, 2010, in preparation for re-aluminization.
A video of the mirror stripping can be seen at:

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Computing at the MMT

Oct 22, 2010

Site Computers
Located in the control room, the observer computer for MMT instruments such as Blue and Red Channel is pixel, a 27-inch iMac. It has all the software observers would use for observing as well as preliminary data reduction. …

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Computing for Observers

Sep 07, 2010

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Movies of the new building going up…

Aug 23, 2010

We are moving along quickly with construction of the building extension at the summit.
Below are a couple of movies from the day the steel beams went up from different vantage points. Enjoy!

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*Update* – The Second MMT Science Symposium

Aug 23, 2010

The MMT Observatory and MMTO Council are pleased to announce the Second MMT Science Symposium.
**Participants in Tucson: Abstract submission and meeting registration will open on Monday, April 12**
Participants in Cambridge: TBD (opening soon)
For those attending the meeting …

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New Red Channel Fully Depleted Detector

Aug 23, 2010

A new fully depleted detector for the Red Channel Spectrograph was commissioned in November 2009.  The plot below shows a comparison of the detector quantum efficiencies of the Blue Channel CCD and the current and previous (deep depletion) generation Red …

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Instrument Status 2010B

Aug 23, 2010

A short summary of the status of each MMT instrument is given below. If you would like any further information regarding any of the instrumentation please contact Morag Hastie (mhastie@mmto).

RED CHANNEL: Available. New detector. Contact Grant Williams @MMTO for …

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Applying for Observing 2010B

Aug 23, 2010

Proposal Deadlines for Trimester 2010B (1st May 2010 – 19th July 2010)
Applying for Observing Time at the MMTO:

Proposal Deadlines for Trimester 2010B (1st May 2010 – 19th July 2010)
Note the shortened trimester due to Primary aluminising to take …

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Construction at the MMT

Aug 23, 2010

Construction began on January 11, 2010 on an Instrument Repair Facility at the MMT summit.  It is scheduled to be completed by summer.  Construction is taking place during the weekdays between 8:00am – 5:00pm.  There are no plans for work to be …

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MMT December Observing Statistics

Aug 23, 2010

Percentage of time scheduled for observing               90.0
Percentage of time scheduled for engineering            10.0
Percentage of time scheduled for sec/instr change       0.0
Percentage of time lost to weather                            37.8
Percentage of time lost to instrument                          2.6
Percentage of time lost …

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