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January – April 2014 Observing Schedule

Dec 14, 2013

The observing schedule for January through April is posted, along with Program Titles.

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Meteor in Tucson

Dec 13, 2013

On Tuesday, December 10, at 7:11pm, a sonic boom hit Tucson as a large meteor passed overhead. MMT’s all sky camera captured its bright flash in a single image. The frame shows the moon (center) and the meteor (upper). See the Tucson …

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Facility Improvements at the MMT

Nov 01, 2013

Work began in October on the installation of a new comprehensive fire alarm system at all of the facilities on Mount Hopkins.  Work remaining at the MMT is expected to be completed by mid-December. Work continues at the other mountain …

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Evidence for Densest Nearby Galaxy

Nov 01, 2013

The MMT was one of the ground-based telescopes, along with the Hubble Space Telescope and the Chandra X-ray Observatory, used in studying a nearby and very dense galaxy, M60-UCD1. Read NASA’s press release and the paper.
Press Release —  Astronomers using NASA’s Hubble Space …

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Strategic Plan Charge

Oct 31, 2013

MMT Strategic Plan Committee Charge
We are empaneling a committee to lead the development of a long-term plan for the instrumentation and modes of observing at the MMT.
The near-term instrumentation situation at the MMT is:
* Binospec is expected …

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Dual Supermassive Black Hole Candidates

Sep 19, 2013

Using publicly available data from the AGN and Galaxy Evolution Survey (AGES), conducted at the MMTO with the hectospec instrument, researchers have discovered seven new candidates for dual supermassive black hole systems in the centers of galaxies. Based on the …

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Follow the MMTO on Facebook!

Sep 13, 2013

“Like” the MMTO on Facebook!  You can expect to see announcements, updates, and pictures of historical and current observatory activities along with some stunning mountain scenery.

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Studying the Mass Distribution in Galaxy Clusters

Aug 28, 2013

Using the hectospec instrument at the MMTO, astronomers are studying the mass distribution in galaxy clusters. The basic techniques were developed by M. J. Geller (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory) and her collaborators some time ago. The data are now good enough …

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Explosion Illuminates Invisible Galaxy

Aug 07, 2013

For followup details on the recent exciting observation noted here previously of an optical afterglow of a distant gamma ray burst, observed in part with the MMT’s Blue Channel Spectrograph, click here.

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Results from MMTPol

Aug 05, 2013

A new MMTPol image of IRC+10420, a yellow hypergiant star located in the constellation of Aquila, reveals the unusual nature of this object, one of the most luminous stars known. The imaging polarimeter, originally commissioned at the MMT at the end of …

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