
A Brief Description:
Binospec  (Available): Commissioning took place at the MMT in fall 2017 and Binospec is now available. Binospec is a wide field optical spectrograph capable of MOS, single-slit, and imaging with the MMT’s f/5. The PI contact is Dan Fabricant.
The Fundamental Capabilities:

Information for Binospec observers and instrument characteristics are described at Binospec detailed information for users.

Further Information:

Binospec exploits the wide field of view of the MMT with the f/5 secondary mirror by using dual identical but independent channels splitting the focal plane into two 8′ x 15′ FOV separated by 3′. Each channel has 3 gratings, up to 6 filters and a 4K E2V CCD (0.24″ pixel sampling). Longslit and multi-slit mask spectroscopy are available. The commissioning filters offer broadband Sloan g, r, i, z imaging.

For proposing to use Binospec and designing observations, see Binospec information for users. For information on the construction of Binospec, please see Binospec SAO webpages or contact Dan Fabricant.